
Living life being phapulously me!!

New Years Resolution…oh never mind January 3, 2013

Every year since I can remember the new year would come with me setting high and lofty resolutions. This year I will lose 20 pounds, I will not eat out, I will work out 6 days a week, watch less tv, and I will blah, blah, blah. Don’t get me wrong resolutions like goals are great when you set them realistically. The challenge I faced was setting unrealistic goals. By setting those goals, I would then get discouraged when I could not meet them. Instead of re-evaluating I would get frustrated and just quit altogether. Well this year is different 🙂 I know you are thinking we have heard this before.

My personal goals are very simple and attainable.

1. Everyday chose to do something that increases my overall health and life.
2. Make a list of things I want to try and do one thing a month.
3. Be realistic with expectations
4. Take at least 1 hour a day to do something I like
5. Share and spread Love everywhere I go
6. Keep it simple

Very simple and things I am sure I can keep. If not, I will repeat number 3. 😉


One Response to “New Years Resolution…oh never mind”

  1. That’s an inspiring list! The toughest of any resolutions I ever made was quit drinking coffee. To be honest, I started in mid-December, but this required really a huge amount of effort for me. I also wrote an article about my experience if you are interested (

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