
Living life being phapulously me!!

Are you toxic? January 24, 2013

Filed under: Food For Thought — p.h.a.p.ulous @ 6:40 pm
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For the past few weeks or so I have been doing a study on toxic thoughts.  This  study is teaching me how we have to power to control what we chose to focus on.  Often it’s easy to find your thoughts centered around the unknown.  Our thoughts matter so much, and I am not sure we even realize the magnitude of what they can unfold in our lives.  When people say “it’s the thought that counts”  it is really a true statement because what you think oftentimes determines your outcome. 

 This is something I struggled and sometimes presently struggle with.  I have really taken to heart this study and am putting the suggested practices in place.  Or so I thought, until a very familiar situation presented itself to me and I found myself at a crossroad. My first thought was to be fearful and give into the toxic or negative thoughts. It made me realize how easy it is to jump back into old habits no matter how hard we try to move forward.  I was paralyzed for a moment getting ready to think the worst.  I had to pause, take a breath, and say a prayer to remind myself that even though it is so easy to contaminate my mind with toxic thoughts I will CHOOSE to think positively and believe the best result will occur. 

I had to ask myself what was I really afraid of?  I took a few minutes to take inventory of all the crazy madness that was going through my mind.  I wrote them down, and for each negative I wrote a scriptually based solution.  This made me feel  better about what I am facing.  It reminded me that no matter the situation, I will find contentment in the outcome.  I am still in the process of facing the unknown but felt compelled to share this. I will eventually share the full story about the situation because I know it can help someone. Just not ready yet.

Until the next time believing in the power of positive thoughts.   Focusing on these words “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”




feelings January 14, 2013

Filed under: Self Centered — p.h.a.p.ulous @ 1:18 pm
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I just had to release these feelings and emotions and the best way I can think of is to write them down. Life happens and if we are not careful we will find ourselves watching instead of living. We are faced with many challenges and victories as we march along in our life path. Friends come and go, familes grow and shrink, jobs come and go. Love and loss is inevitable.

My heart is very heavy as I grieve for a friend that suddenly lost her mother unexpectedly. Grief is one thing that we all will experience at some point in our life. We all process and handle it differently. What do you say? How can you console someone in tremedous pain? The natural thing is to try to relate to their pain by remembering a loss you experienced. This is human nature. We like to identify with the emotions of others in order to better relate. What I have learned that during times of sympathy of dear friends loved one, the best thing I can do is just be there. Be there to listen, hold a hand, wash a dish, cook a meal, say a prayer, or silently stand with that person so they know that they are not alone.


The beauty of reflection December 31, 2012

Filed under: Inspire Me — p.h.a.p.ulous @ 10:31 pm
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As we close out 2012, I took a moment to reflect on my  2012.  I can say that this year has been very much a rollercoaster of emotions.  I have experienced great joy and tremendous pain.  Both personal loss and personal gain. Some relationships blossomed while others were strained.  Despite it my love for family and the goodness in people remains. My perserverance was battle tested and sometimes wounded to the point of surrender.  However everytime I was ready to waive the right flag the right person, place, or thing would appear and assure me that I would make it through.  I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about myself. What my emotions are during my high times as well as low times.   I have learned who my inner circle consists of and I am okay with that.  I understand that just because you are a friend to some does not mean they are a friend back- and that was okay.  I understood where they were and chose to either meet them on their level or I left them alone.  I have learned to show more empathy without letting that blind me from the true person.  Overall I am very thankful for the growth and the tests.  Without them I would not have a story or testimony to share with others.  Be safe out there tonight and bring in 2013 with love, peace, and joy in you hearts!!